master cleanse

M C, Day 9 by vanessa

It's the 9th day.

That is all.

Whaaaaaa??? That is NOT all. My manual is done and I am so happy about that.

M C, Day 7 by vanessa

In addition to losing my appetite, I've lost my will to write about not having an appetite.


I'm gonna kick this off w/ some non-cleanse stuff. If there are any single ladies (ages 38-45) out there, one of my students is the casting director for The Bachelor. Apparently they're trying a season of young guy/older woman on for size and they're short on candidates. He's (my friend, not the impending Bachelor), pulling his hair out looking for women. I swear I'm not making this up. Let me know.


Today is day 7. I'm pretty sure I must be messing something up because Sach was saying she had boundless energy at this point. I don't. I mean, my energy is a little bit better, but I attribute that to the no coffee. Anyway, the dark circles under my eyes are disappearing and my skin tone seems to be evening, so something's working.


Get this: tonight I taped my class for my workbook (which is due WEDNESDAY) and it didn't tape. I accidentally turned it off one second into taping. Sigh. There's probably some cosmic reason for this but it's escaping me right now.

M C, Day 6 by vanessa

Because you asked, here are the details of the cleanse:

6-12 glasses a day of:

  • 2 tablespoons of organic Grade B maple syrup
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 8 oz. of spring water

Plus you do like a salt wash at night.

Today is day 6 and last night I can say that I went out to a bachelorette party and had a good time despite the no eating/drinking. (Note: I'm foregoing the opportunity to muse on bachelorette parties because I am supposed to be doing my workbook right now.)


Happy Mother's Day to my mom and to Hav's mom.


I feel really fortunate that not having the ocean nearby is softened by the proximity of Runyan Canyon. It's just kinda fun.

MC Day 5 by vanessa

I'm supposed to be at a Hanuman workshop right now, but I'm trying to finish my f**king manual. Yes, they gave us a one week extension, so yes, I should be done by now, but I'm not. So I'm neither at my workshop that I paid for, nor am I working. I'm blogging. Because it's really important to tell you that I'm at Day 5!!

Half way!!!

I keep waiting for the moment when I don't crave eating. I'm not hungry - so it's not that. I just mean that I miss pancakes and coffee. You know how often I eat pancakes? About once a year. That's how retarded this is.

You may be wondering, well, why are you still doing this if it's so horrible? Because I'm really curious. And I've made it half way so I might as well finish.

M C, Day 4 by vanessa

Good news on the mostly-fasting front: it's getting easier. To the point where it was already 3:00 and when I realized I was hungry. I told Christine, "Oh dude, I gotta go eat lunch." Or drink it, as it were.

My friend Kristin told me today (rockstar did it for 11 days) that after day 6 you get high. To be clear she followed that with, "Well, I mean, I don't know if you get that way with fruit juice." Holy Jesus I'm only drinking three classes of green - no sugar added - juice a day. If I don't get something outta this, bodies will be found.

I should tell you that nearly every thought is focused around this cleanse. Even when I'm working I'm constantly like, "only x more days." A nobler, more enlightened me would kick this like Gandhi did when he looked at fasting as a privilege. He even had a bunch of gratitude around it and shit. Clearly I'm not there yet.