New Stuff on the Block / by vanessa

Guess what?! is getting a make-over.  Yep!  My super talented friend Katrina from Brandish Type is working her artistic wizardry.  In about two months you won't even recognize me this site.

In the process of brainstorming, I got to do all sorts of research for sites, pictures, and inspirational whatnot to give her an idea of my aesthetic.  Turns out, I love Alexander Wang, steampunk-y stuff, and the impose of analog on digital.  In my copious research, I also learned that if your business has the word "creative" in it, chances are you aren't.

Another page in the Great Kombucha Prohibition.  My go-to place in Hollywood ran out!  I panicked.  Fortunately I remembered that my friend RKells spotted some in Echo Park.  On Saturday she texted me the location and I picked up 10 bottles!  Grape!  Ginger!  And then later that day the second most fortuitous thing happened -- I found another source in Franklin Village.  So you know what?  Eff the Whole.  (Sorry Alo, but this has gotten out of hand.)

Happy Birthday, CLu!  You pale to no one.