easy come easy go / by vanessa

Why is it easier to believe criticism than compliments? Why do either matter?


I rarely have a yoga class that I want to leave. What's not to like about being in your body, after all? Without going into every reason, I would like to share this little gem: So he's putting us through his own special brand of vinyasa and he starts talking about what's wrong w/ props and music in a yoga practice. (For starters, props and music are not the same thing primarily because props are there to keep a practice ummm, well, safe. But whatever. I don't want to be a stickler for logic.) So he substantiates his opinion with this -- that "they were doing these postures for 1500 years without props and music and you know why you guys like your props and music?" (Well, since YOU asked... Oh. You meant that rhetorically.) "Because LA is about posing. It's not about the postures." A) Really? LA is about posing? That's news. B) I wanted to remind him that *they* also thought the Earth was flat for thousands of years.

And plus dude, your assists? I feel like I should've gotten dinner out of the deal or something.

Here's what I'm actually pissed about: I didn't have the balls to really sit out. It's like, seriously, if it doesn't feel good/right/safe stop practicing and do something else. Do child's pose, whatever. I say this all the time in my own classes and then I got into the situation where I'm in that very boat and I totally wuss out. How is that HIS fault? Wait, I'll answer for you -- it's not.